Wiener Caféet - Stockholm, Sweden

This place has existed since 1904, with various owners. Less than a year ago, the café was all renovated and became a modern high end coffee house (i.e coffee shop). The waiter seats you at a table, and the people working here are professional and polite, all dressed in white work uniforms. The premisses are beautiful, with original details reminding us of the Wiener café history. Classical French tarts, Swedish cakes and even American sweet delicacies. All quite expensive if one is not used to down town Stockholm prices, but to be honest it’s not that terribly pricy compared to an average latte at a coffee chain.
If you’re interested in nice seatings, good service and feeling like somebody’s caring about you as a guest, these kind of places are for you. These kind of places are rare in Sweden, and in the US, but quite common in Eastern Europe. The Italian coffee culture is very much about ordering from the guy behind the counter, while the French still appreciate being served coffee by the table.
Enough with that, the Food Emperor is all about the sustenance. So how’s the food?
Their own tea blend is quite good, but doesn’t differ much from any other “house blends” in the fancy coffee places in Sweden. Cadierbaren at Grand Hotel in Stockholm have their own house blend, and so does the classical Swedish coffee house Vetekatten a couple of blocks away. And it’s pretty much the same; some zest, some fragrant flower leaves, and nobody cares.
I had the fancy doughnut. It’s filled with a vanilla custard. Wonderfully flavorsome, and good dough in the doughnut. Too bad the whole thing is too massive, and doesn’t taste like it’s coming straight from the oven/deep frier. You know why? Because it probably doesn’t come straight from the oven/deep frier. I don’t want to sound like an asshole, I truly appreciate the work the bakers put into making such a wide variety of baked goods at Wiener, but it just looks better than it tastes. Krispy Kreme, on the other hand, is by all definitions a chain – but it’s really fresh! Yes, you heard me, I prefer Krispy Kreme’s original doughnut over this one.
I’ll be back for the Brittish Afternoon Tea, the American breakfast, and the French breakfast – all of which is on the menu. And I’ll make sure to write a thorough review. Until then, you can loop the video of me not being able to eat a doughnut properly.
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